October 10, 2022

I've instituted a new GIFT WITH PURCHASE program based on cart values of $15 and up, after discounts are applied. This program applies to newly placed orders since this program became active.

To see it in action, simply add some products to your cart and then use the quantity toggle to increase upward or downward. As the page refreshes, you'll see the gift in your CART change based on cart value, and have the opportunity to toggle the options (next to the gift box graphic) to select the type of gift you'd like to receive.

In all cases, it's your responsibility to type in the colors you'd like to receive of your gift category, in the "ORDER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS" box on the CART page. If you make no indications, or if you choose gifts that don't match the dollar value of the gift you're eligible for, I will choose for you.

** NOTE: Please make sure your gift types match! If you list a gift that you're not eligible for, I will substitute with my choice of eligible gift type for you. This is an error that has commonly occurred with eyeshadow gifts. If you are eligible for any type of eyeshadow gift, make sure that you don't list anything that is a highlighter, blush, rouge, contour, etc. Only eyeshadow. Eyeshadows are available in sample baggies ($1.39), deluxe sample jar ($3.89) and full size jar ($7.99).

CLEARANCE PRODUCTS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR FREE GIFTS. Substitution will be made if you list a clearance item as your gift.

I regret that programming in the ability to add specific individual shades and size options doesn't exist without a substantial cost in programming fees which is far out of my price range and is more geared towards large enterprise stores, not one person indie shops. In order to offer this program to you, I'm paying for a monthly service which provides this simple, yet flexible software to my store. All you have to do is meet me in the middle- decide what you'd like, make sure the gift type/size is eligible and type it in!

Free Gifts are available alongside of coupon codes, Reward codes, Gift Cards and other special offers.

** If you haven't already joined my REWARDS program, check it out here- you probably have money to spend sitting in it! My Rewards program is separate from this program, and gives you numerous ways to earn dollar amounts off future purchases!

Please note, that if you ask for your free gift to be an item that's already in your cart, you will end up with two of that item. The GWP program is based on cart value, and the items in your cart aren't eligible as a free gift because they create your gift tier dollar value. Your free gift is an additional item, which you indicate in the comments box based on what you're eligible for.




Cart Value of $15

(after discounts are applied)


Two Eyeshadow Sample Baggies ($1.39 each - value $2.78)

One Blush/Rouge/Highlighter Sample Baggie (value $2.19)

Cart Value of $30

ONE Deluxe Eyeshadow Sample Jar (value $3.89)


ONE rouge/blush/highlighter Sample Baggie and ONE Eyeshadow Sample Baggie (value $3.58)


THREE Eyeshadow Sample Baggies (value $4.17)

Cart Value of $45

ONE Deluxe Eyeshadow Sample Jar & ONE Eyeshadow Sample Baggie (value $5.28


TWO rouge/blush/highlighter Sample baggies (value $4.38)

Cart Value of $60

ONE Deluxe Eyeshadow Sample Jar & TWO Eyeshadow Sample Baggies (Value $6.67)


THREE rouge/blush/highlighter Sample baggies (value $6.57)

Cart Value of $75

ONE Full Sized Eyeshadow (Value $7.99)


ONE Mini Jar (Value $7.99) of Rouge/Blush/Highlighter/Contour Powder

Cart Value of $90

ONE Full Sized Eyeshadow & TWO Eyeshadow Sample Baggies (Value $10.77)


ONE Mini Jar AND ONE Sample Baggie of Rouge/Blush/Highlighter/Contour Powder (Value $10.18)


ONE Mini Jar of Rouge/Blush/Highlighter/Contour Powder & TWO Eyeshadow Sample Baggies (Value $10.77

Cart Value of $105

ONE Full Size Eyeshadow & ONE Deluxe Sample Jar Eyeshadow (Value $11.88)


ONE Mini Jar & TWO Sample Baggies of Rouge/Blush/Highlighter/Contour Powder (Value $12.37)


ONE Full Size Eyeshadow & THREE Sample Baggies of Eyeshadow (Value $12.16)

Cart Value of $135+


TWO Full Size Eyeshadows (Value $15.98)


TWO Mini Jar of Rouge/Blush/Highlighter/Contour Powder (Value $15.98)


ONE Full Size Jar of Rouge/Blush/Highlighter/Contour Powder (Value $15.49)


ONE Full Size Eyeshadow (Value $7.99) and ONE Mini Jar of Rouge/Blush/Highlighter/Contour Powder (Value $7.99)