Current TAT is found in the bar at the top of every page of the website. Please see your order confirmation email for additional details. Thank you for your patience!
Turnaround time (TAT) is a term used to describe the in-house processing time required to process your order. It doesn't include an order's transit time.
Here's an example of TAT. You place your order on a Thursday afternoon at 4 PM EST. Friday is day one of your TAT. Monday is day two, and so on. If your order ships with a four day TAT, it means your order will ship the Wednesday after order placement. Always remember that TAT doesn't include weekends or holidays.
I ask that you please don't write in to customer service asking for order status while your order is still well within the advertised TAT. You will be directed back to this page.
New customers sometimes ask, "I don't understand why I have to wait so long. Please explain"...
Aromaleigh is a very small one woman company, so all aspects of your order are handled in-house, by me. I also work a second job in addition to Aromaleigh. It's very common in the indie community for in-house turnaround times to range from 1-3 weeks, sometimes more in rare instances.
I will always try to get your orders out as quickly as possible, but I do need to allow this time period to handle your order in case there are any products that I need to make from scratch. The majority of items on the website are packaged custom for your order. This takes time and organization.
Thank you for your patience!